We're fundraising for...
This October, we’ll be taking part in Redkite’s waxing challenge,Hairless Heroes Challenge. We'll each be waxing part of our body to make a small (hairy) sacrifice for families facing childhood cancer.
Please support us in whatever way you can - by donating, you’ll be helping Redkite give families the strength they need to face childhood cancer.
Thank you to our Sponsors

Prashanthkumar Paramasivam

Mohan Ambalavanar
Well Done Prashanth for your support to the community, Keep It Up.

Rajkumar Sigamany
Good effort for a great cause. Keep it up Prasanth!!!

Gobithas Chandralingam

Vijayaragavan Nithianandhavel

Good job Prashant. All the very best best.

Good cause you are doing. Can't wait till to see you shaved head!

Matched By The Denton Family

Karmegasundaram Vasanthan
Good service

Vijayraj Magenthrarajah
Good work. Keep it up.

Mathusha Prashanthkumar

Ganesh Thavalingam
Great cause. Good Luck, Prasanth

Srigini Srikumar

Jeevan Thiruloganathan
